All photos refer to the jobs listed in my Curriculum Vitae (unless otherwise marked)
Index of available items
- PH01 Boat loading (20.0 MB) boat loading
- PH02 Milan cellular arch (3.1 MB) cellular arch
- PH03 Cuba pressure pipes (3.4 MB) Cuba pressure
- PH04 Cuba sewage pipes (2.4 MB) Cuba sewage
- PH05 Jordan spun poles (9.3 MB) JEA poles
- PH06 factory laboratory (12.3 MB) lab
- PH07 Lock Joint USA pressure pipes (6.9 MB) Lock Joint
- PH08 Mozambique spun pressure pipes (5.9 MB) Mozambique
- PH09 pressure pipes laying (1.9) pipe laying
- PH10 piles for the port of Trieste (4.0 MB) Trieste
- PH11 box culvert boxSFR
- PH12 prefab flumes flumes
- PH13 Bilbao consorcio de aguas Bilbao
- PH14 Tuberias de hormigòn de gran diametro – España tuberias
- PH15 Penstocks for sewer phsewer
- PH16 Penstocks for pressure pipes phpressure
- PH17 Pressure pipes storage, ready for delivery storage
- PH18 Concrete pipes handling facilities handling